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Conflict Management
Project Management
Everybody Wins: How to Turn Conflict into Collaboration emphasizes that conflict is inevitable because of a diverse workforce, constant change, stress from doing more with less, confusion over responsibilities, and miscommunication.
Key Learning Points:
Understand why conflict in the workplace happens
• Know how to change your perspective of conflict
• Identify the three most common workplace conflict situations
• Identify the five different ways people deal with conflict
• Use the "Everybody Wins" approach in a conflict situation
• Take personal responsibility for dealing with conflict, diversity, and disagreement

This program will teach your employees how to recognize three of the most common conflict situations in the workplace:
1) Peer-to-Peer Conflict - How do you deal with a conflict that is between you and your coworker?
2) Work-Team Conflict - How do you deal with conflict that happens in your team?
3) Manager-to-Employee Conflict - What do you do when the conflict is between you and your boss?

This program teaches three easy steps to resolve conflict:
1) Everyone tells it like they see it
2) Get everything on the table
3) Focus on the future
Bottom-line, employees will know a clear, easy-to-use approach that will help them think things through to arrive at the most appropriate choice of action to take. Ultimately, this will increase the productivity of your organization